NET1C - Legal terms

NET1C NETWORK - SARL with a capital of 10,000 Euros
SIRET : 49919618600013
RCS Paris - B 499 196 186
APE Code 6202A
Intracommunity VAT ID :
Head office: 320, rue Saint Honore - 75001 Paris France
Director and publication manager: Christophe ASSENS

By using the NET1C website ( or, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions that follow. Net1C shall not be held liable for the consequences of hypertext links on the NET1C website that redirect the visitor to third-party sites or, for that matter, to any existing Internet resources. The information and contents on the and websites are protected by copyright. All trademarks and logos are the sole property of their respective owners.
You may not reproduce or publicly display the materials on this website (in part or in whole) except for your personal non-commercial use. If you violate these terms you will be procecuted to the full extent of the law.
As a user of this website you agree to abide by the laws of France.